We blame you.
In few uncertain terms we blame you. Your fecklessness, your idiocy, the failure of the whole of your society: every single member from liberal to conservative. You came into our country and imposed your brand of idiocy upon us, hamstrung us, told us how to fight a war we've been fighting for decades, insisted that God would show you the way as you refused to listen to your betters then abandoned us when your inability to listen to us cost us everything.
We blame you.
Our conspicuous absence from a national dialogue that revolves around slandering us as lackeys of US imperialism or ardent vanguards of the Southeast Asian bulwark against communists taking away baseball. Your flagrant and wanton lack of concern or consideration of the humanity of the people whose lives you unmake.
We blame you.
For the roots of your society are diseased and rotted. A nation unfit to travel outside its borders even as it insists that its knowledge encompasses all human experience.
We blame you!
That my tongue curls and bristles in english words, colonial and bitter. That my heart shivers daily for a nation that could have been and may never be again. That our lives are a slow and torturous march towards the inevitable extinguishment you so aspire us to achieve.
We blame you
For having lost everything, for all that is yet to lose, for ignoring us, ignoring our humanity, ignoring our agency from right to left, for insisting above all else that you always knew better even as we always knew better than you. For foisting upon our country a racial hierarchy that lost us the war. For maintaining a racial hierarchy that insists we have to beg for scraps of a nation that was already owed to us! For the sins you have committed upon the black bodies, brown bodies, asians bodies, and the collective non-white masses you fetid, wretched, racist society.
We. Blame. You.
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